“Living with anxiety is like being followed by a voice.
It knows all your insecurities and uses them against you.
It gets to the point when it’s the loudest voice in the room.
The only one you can hear.”
“Anxiety I will transform you into something useful and productive. I will not bow down to you.” Jaeda Dewaltmost eff
One of the most effective and evidence based treatments for dealing with anxiety is DBT. One of the awful features of anxiety is the way it isolates us and makes us turn inward, avoiding the thing that makes us anxious. Anxiety treatment teaches us that
the best way to decrease anxiety is to move gently toward that thing that makes us anxious…key word here is “gently.”
The skills and coping strategies DBT provides in the Mindfulness and Distress Tolerance Modules can help! Getting ready begin both of these modules in our fall DBT group. A limited number of openings remain. If you are interested, Reach out and contact me for more information.